Hello Again, Well I promised to share with you my new book once I received it. So here it is. Hope you like this video blog about Best Bud’s b and d. I’ll see you all soon.
Hello Again, Well I promised to share with you my new book once I received it. So here it is. Hope you like this video blog about Best Bud’s b and d. I’ll see you all soon.
I have a dream of not only being a published author but a successful one which requires my presence and input. I’m trying to be brave and dream big as most of what I am doing is completely new to me and well… a little out of my comfort zone. But when you dream big you have to be willing to think big. I have made my book Best buds b and d in digital form now available for Kindle and Kindle Select and reformatted by book for paperback. All formats are now available on Amazon.com. I just received my first copy (and have already given it away to my Dad – because I can refuse that man nothing) but it turned out really great. I’ll show it to you all once my second copy comes in. It’s a really great feeling seeing your son walk around the house holding your book saying “Best Buds b and d by Charity Rue. That’s my Mom. Dad will you read this to me? Mom wrote this book for me.” – Matthew I did write it for him and published it so every kid who has a hard time with these two letters can have a fun way of learning the difference. I also plan on making a audio book of this story once I can set myself up with the right equipment. The next announcement you will most likely be seeing from me however will be my website launch which should be let me think… oh that’s right NOW! WooHoo! The dream is growing too… Coming soon will be my book “Minding p and q” a story about the letter p who wishes to become friends with q but doesn’t think q to be interested as q is always hanging around with u. Again, another story to help kids recognize the difference between these next two letters. COMING THIS FALL. So remember… it may not feel comfortable going through the change required to make a dream come true but it’s worth pursuing. So be BRAVE and DREAM big!!!!